Roy Cohn personified the dark arts of American politics, turning empty vessels into dangerous demagogues - from Joseph McCarthy to his final project, Donald J. Trump. This thriller-like exposé connect...
Tim and his team are the rising stars of the ghost hunting game. One thing they all like better than a good haunt is a great prank. When the team arrives at a new investigation, they cannot figure if ...
When a family of four rent a beautiful house for their summer vacation, the price seems too good to be true. Unbeknownst to them, the lascivious owner has set up a series of spy cams throughout the ho...
二战时期,英国皇家空军Peter(大卫·尼文 David Niven 饰)驾驶的飞机即将坠毁,他的战友Bob已经死亡。他联系上了美国波士顿的军事电台,向电台的女兵June(金·亨特 Kim Hunter 饰)交代了他的遗言。随后Peter在没有降落伞的情况下跳了机,落在了一个海上,意外活了下来。更在醒来的海滩上遇到了June,两人坠入爱河。而死去的Bob则去了天国,一直等不到Peter。天国派出了...
Eric Bross directs Public Affairs from a screenplay by Tom Cudworth about a campaign aide who must fight for his life after he sleeps with the wife of a presidential candidate....