The film is a modern-day film noir in which the sardonic, ginsoaked detective contends with an odd cast of characters while tailing a mysterious, middle-aged man traveling with a Mexican boy from Chic...
每逢收成季节,农村总是特别繁忙,即便星期天也要抓紧收割,以保证丰收。在柏林以南六十公里的农场,一心成为农夫的马可(卢卡斯·斯德尔特勒 Lukas Steltner 饰)正努力熟悉农活,期待通过结业考试成为正式农夫。可连他自己都不确定这是否就是理想职业,加上其他学徒嫌他过分文静,令马可倍感孤独。活泼德都市青年雅各布(凯·迈克尔·米勒 Kai Michael Müller 饰)下到农村实习,两个年轻人...
The extraordinary doctors and activists whose work 30 years ago to save lives in a rural Haitian village grew into a global battle in the halls of power for the right to health for all....
故事讲述两兄弟,一个有女友,一个有太太,却因为一个女人出现,令两兄弟不但对爱人不忠,更成为爱情对手。 一句话评论 A romantic comedy about two brothers... and the one thing that came between them. From the Director of "The Brothers McMullen"...
Movie tells a story of Maarit (Leea Klemola), a woman who has just gone through a sex reassignment surgery. She wants to rebuild her relationship to her teenage daughter and is also looking for a man ...