The Last of the Chupacabras, one of six Disney Launchpad Shorts, starts streaming May 28 on Disney+. “THE LAST OF THE CHUPACABRAS,” Written and Directed by Jessica Mendez Siqueiros. Producers are Nico...
Weaving Shibusa is the story of Japanese craftsmanship and dedication, shown through their love and fascination of denim. The film gives unprecedented access to the mysterious and storied industry of ...
A few weeks ago, the National Health Service was hit by a widespread and devastating cyber attack - Horizon tells the inside story of one of the most challenging days in the history of the NHS. On t...
J.G. Ballard的小说...无语... Most Remarkable Film I Have Ever Seen While definitely not for everyone, this movie effectively captures J.G. Ballard's difficult novel of the same name. More visual th...
Ton and Jack are two students who're infamous for making video clips in which they challenge and even insult superstitious beliefs. As their viral clips rack up more and more views, they get carri...