In the midst of summer, Alex, a successful influencer, invites a few friends to her small isolated country house. One evening, after streaming a live video, they are visited by a particularly persiste...
A sniper returns home from Afghanistan to his small Northern town. Confronted with the mundane reality of everyday life he longs for the release provided by shooting. Slowly his need for regimented mi...
Earth Abidesis a new take on George R. Stewart’s sci-fi novel of the same name. When a plague of unprecedented virulence sweeps the globe, the human race is all but wiped out. In the aftermath, as t...
When Max Causey was six, he accidentally killed Santa. 12 years later, Max rectifies his mistake by resurrecting him, but soon realizes the creature he created is a bloodthirsty killer and it's ...
The story is carried by Mady, student by day, locksmith by night. But Claire, the enigmatic young woman she is helping out one night, isn’t what she seems to be. This door isn’t that of her apartment....