A devastating pandemic sweeps through New York City on Black Friday, and one by one, basic services fail. Within weeks, society collapses into chaos, and the government activates The Division, a class...
After awakening in a mental asylum| a patient plans an escape to freedom| but finds an even more disturbing| supernatural world on the outside| one that threatens tokeep him trapped in madness foreve...
为了这部影片,艾玛·斯通推掉了《守望者》导演扎克·施奈德的《美少女特工队》。平凡的高中女生奥利芙(艾玛·斯通 Emma Stone 饰)生活在一个普通家庭,却也幸福美满。可在学校一直籍籍无名,甚至频繁被当成受气包。一次派对,她为了帮助死党布兰登摆脱同志嫌疑,自编自 导了 一处“破处戏”,从而一举成名成为学校的风云人物,再也没有人来欺负她。而众多平凡的男生慕名而来,希望奥利弗可以帮助他们成为学校的...