Five haunted-house enthusiast friends are still trying to recover from the trauma of being kidnapped the previous Halloween by the Blue Skeleton — a group who takes “extreme haunt” to another level. T...
Dr Geoff Burton takes up a position at a new institute in wintry Dresden, Germany. His contribution to a former colleague’s important project, a human regeneration gene, has the potential to make some...
Jonathan MacKinlay(Michael Jefferson 饰)经历了一场恐怖的车祸,这场车祸杀死了他的妻子,自此事之后,Jonathan MacKinlay一直患有恐怖症。妻子死后,他将自己困在家中,每天如此,只有他最好的朋友Taylor(Andrew Ruth 饰)、他的心理医生能帮他打破这种单调乏味的生活。后来,他开始相信有邪恶力量存在于他的家中,但是,这是真的吗?还是他自己的...