When her parents are murdered, Nneka encounters the Queen of the Coast who offers to help her in revealing the identities of people who killed her parents. This changes the course of her life as she s...
In the aftermath of a violent assault, a couple decides to leave everything and start over in another country, but their past won’t let them go. Masculinity, sex and violence pervade in this modern ps...
Brussels. Leo, a Spanish metro driver, while conducting his train and arriving at a station, sees a young man in distress on the edge of the platform. He recognizes his son Hugo right before he falls ...
A wedding guide creator must convince an uninspired artist and owner of a special wedding cottage to renovate the run down cottage to host a contest winning couple for their dream wedding....
It follows Monk, a brilliant detective with obsessive-compulsive disorder. He returns to solve one last case involving his stepdaughter Molly, a journalist preparing for her wedding....
Après la mort de leur père, deux demi-frères se retrouvent opposés l'un à l'autre au sein d'un conflit qui pourrait tout embraser et avoir des conséquences tragiques....