In 2050, Earth has become a dry and desolate place. Fighter pilot Nova is forced to travel back in time to prevent a devastating environmental disaster, however an unforeseen side-effect of time trave...
Young Felix grows up as an inside spectator at cycling races, a bizarre environment where violence and drugs seem to reign. Following his father's footsteps, Felix discovers that his body is not m...
Condemned to see only when the night falls, the abandoned blind sisters with the untraceable past, Louise and Henriette, share a horrible secret. Their days are black, their nights are blue, and their...
哈利·道尔顿博士(皮尔斯·布鲁斯南 Pierce Brosnan 饰)是美国地质勘探中心的一名火山学专家,这次他被派到但丁峰上的一个小城镇视察,而小城镇所在的但丁峰正是华盛顿附近的一座休眠火山。哈利来到镇上,恰逢市长蕾切尔(琳达·汉密尔顿 Linda Hamilton 饰)在主持庆祝活动,因为小镇刚刚获得了全美最佳居住环境第二名的大奖。蕾切尔与她的两个孩子带哈利四处参观,路过温泉湖畔,哈利注意到湖...