Goldie, a precocious teenager in a family shelter, wages war against the system to keep her sisters together while she pursues her dreams of being a dancer. This is a story about displaced youth, ambi...
母亲去世之后,阿曼达(莎拉?米歇尔?盖拉 Sarah Michelle Gellar 饰)继承了母亲生前精心经营的餐馆。然而没过多久,阿曼达便发现,从前门庭若市的餐馆,如今生意一天不如一天,甚至濒临了倒闭的边缘。 一次偶然中,阿曼达邂逅了名为汤姆(肖恩?派特里克?弗兰纳里 Sean Patrick Flanery)的男子。之后,汤姆在机缘巧合之下来到了阿曼达的餐厅吃饭,让阿曼达感到不敢相信的是...
In the time of Counter-Reformation, a miller and his son come under investigation by a priest of the Inquisition, when rumors spread that their prosperity comes from working with the Devil. The Devi...
Kala azar describes of a place that cannot sustain animal life any longer. In a big city somewhere in the south of Europe, a couple takes care of dead animals and abandoned roadkill as an act to give ...