A boy named Harley and his family (brother Austin, mother Beth, and father Mitch) attends a taping of The Banana Splits TV show, which is supposed to be a fun-filled birthday for young Harley and busi...
When an up-and-coming singer meets the cruel reality of the entertainment industry, she must sing her way through m.77mi.cc a surreal musical journey and avoid falling into the abyss of personal destr...
伊朗裔的美国女孩爱上了一个古怪双性恋男画家,在她父母要求下,必须举行一个波斯式的婚礼... Cultures clash and families collide when an Iranian woman finds love with an eccentric bisexual artist....
An adaptation of William Shakespeare's Titus Andronicus set in contemporary New Delhi. The Hungry is a contemporary retelling of Shakespearian tragedy Titus Andronicus, set in the extravagant surr...
Thomas P. Manning, businessman and chess expert, mysteriously shot in a locked room, dies clutching some chess pieces. Police are baffled, and finally abandon the case. Six months later, victim's ...