A young criminal defense attorney struggles with a homicide case that is not as cut and dry as it appears while battling a drinking habit. The story goes beyond the lives of those directly related t...
After awakening in a mental asylum| a patient plans an escape to freedom| but finds an even more disturbing| supernatural world on the outside| one that threatens tokeep him trapped in madness foreve...
Virginia McKenna revisits the locations and the stories behind the making of the classic movie. There is also astonishing archive footage also showing Britain's imperial reign over Kenya....
坐落在路易斯安那州的巴顿鲁治郡,生活着一个名叫柯登·马可斯(帕特里克·法比安 Patrick Fabian 饰)的年轻牧师,他自幼跟随父亲学习圣经,其布道的风格独特,倍受欢迎,但与他来说终究只是一项营生;在家中柯登则是个好丈夫和好父亲,与妻儿过着幸福的生活。马可斯家族同 时也是有着丰富经验的驱魔世家,然而一些虚伪的驱魔仪式令柯登倍感苦恼。他于是请来摄制组拍摄纪录片,旨在揭露驱魔仪式中的骗人行径...