In a violent world, a peace-loving man is forced on a desperate journey to find life-saving drugs for his wife but to get them he must first help an ornery old man defend his cabin against nefarious f...
1942年的挪威,以斯帖(Sarah-Sofi e Boussnina),一名14岁的犹太女孩在她的小镇被恐怖统治时,迫使她的父母把她藏在前往瑞典的卡车上,以此保住女孩的性命安全。以斯帖的卡车却遭到纳粹袭击,她逃到森林裡遇到了一个与她同龄的男孩阿塞尔(Arthur Hakalahti)。 阿塞尔喜欢上她也将她隐藏在他家的穀仓裡。为了不让纳粹发现,她伪装成一个男孩与阿塞尔一起逃离纳粹佔领的领土到瑞典...
A story about Dolly’s and Kazal’s secrets, two cousins, who live in the suburbs of New Delhi. Dolly lives as a middle-class housewife, but she has to hide some secrets to lead her life. Under the name...