Two young sisters find that all the mirrors in their estranged aunt's house are covered or hidden. When one of them happens upon a mirror in the basement, she unknowingly releases a malicious demo...
In this unique take on the infamous Manson murders we follow two generations of chilling real life events which occur at 10050 Cielo Drive, one of America's most notorious addresses....
Sadly, the title is the best thing about C.H.O.M.P.S., as the film is strictly for kids (who will undoubtedly get a kick out of the broad humor and rampant silliness on display). The storyline revolve...
Vivica A. Fox makes her Bring It On debut as Cheer Goddess, the Internet's most popular "Cheer-lebrity." When Destiny (Prosperi), capta in of three-time national champions "The Rebe...