An impressive solar storm befalls the Earth causing power surges and blackouts. A deeper storm rages in the soul of Regina, a lonely spinster called 'Fräulein', after a mysterious tourist pass...
On the night of his untimely and mysterious death in post Civil War New Orleans, world chess champion PAUL MORPHY'S exciting and tortured life is reviewed. Known as the greatest chess player in th...
BBC又一部恶搞的喜剧剧集,这次恶搞的对象连英国首相都包括进来了(跟手下的男秘书关系暧昧不清),而且,英国叫"大不列颠"(The Great Britain),所以BBC偏偏故意把这部讽刺英国社会的喜剧叫做"小不列颠". 全剧主演只有两位,所有的任务中的不同角色都是由两位主演通过更换服装,道具和化妆来完成的.全剧不是讲述一个完整的故事,而是由一个一个不同...