Cheaper by the Dozen, a reimagining of the hit comedy from “Blackish” producer Kenya Barris, will debut on DisneyPlus in 2022. The story centers on a blended family of 12, navigating a hectic home lif...
Quién lo impide is a call to change our perception of adolescents and youths; our idea of those born in the early 21st century who have recently reached adulthood; those who now seem guilty of everyth...
When 38-year-old Natasha is unexpectedly landed with a baby, her life of doing what she wants, when she wants, dramatically implodes. Controlling, manipulative and with violent powers, the baby twis...
Javier and Felipe are now full-time parents to their daughters. However, the fathers discover the girls are missing something: a mother. To find her, they invite their girlfriends on vacation with a s...