One-Ten is convinced that the man is murdered while being interviewed on a live television show was the victim of a hired-killer called "The Teddy Bear." He concocts a plot to trap h...
Based on the smash video game series by Double Fine Productions (Psychonauts, Broken Age) and the world originally created by Tasha Sounart, Costume Quest is a funny and mysterious animated series aim...
一次偶然中,迪恩(杰米·贝尔 Jamie Bell 饰)发现了好友特里(Josh Janowicz 饰)的尸体,死因为自杀。迪恩并没有将这件事情告诉他人。原来,特里是学校中的一名贩毒头目,随着他的死亡,他所控制的一大批毒品下落不明,如何搞到这批毒品并借此获利才是迪恩真正感兴趣的事情。为了得知毒品的下落,迪恩计划绑架特里的弟弟查瑞(格伦·克洛斯 Glenn Close 饰),没想到,最后他们绑架来...