The "Star Wars" saga is retold. In the opener, a mysterious hooded figure steals a ship that belongs to Admiral Ackbar, and R2-D2 bees an unwitting hostage....
2014年北美最卖座电影《银河护卫队》正式宣布了启动动画剧集版《Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy》,该动画由漫威电视部门制作,将于2015年在Disney XD播出,日前,动画剧集版的海报也由片方曝出。 动画片将继续聚焦以星爵为核心的五人组的宇宙历险故事。
We all have fantasies about fixing our lives once and for all, risking their all and getting away with it. This is the story of a group of youngsters who, as well as fantasize, get down to work. No ...
The third thrilling saga of Deathstalker pits him against the evil wizard and ruler of the Southland, Troxartes, and his band of undead warriors. Dashing Deathstalker is entrusted by the beautiful P...