五岁的泽泽(João Guilherme de Ávila 饰)是一个和其他小孩不太一样的男孩,他似乎比同龄人要成熟得多,在圣诞节那天出生的他在刚开始总是被亲戚朋友们视为上帝的恩赐。但他出生在一个贫穷而且多灾多难的家庭之中,在父亲事业遭受痛击后,妈妈和姐姐不得不进工厂打工,泽泽在家里的待遇一落千丈,常常遭到莫名的打骂和责难。虽然泽泽的日子很难过,但他依然用自己的热情和善良温暖着周围的每一个人。泽泽...
Cuba, the mid-80s, anyone diagnosed with HIV/AIDS is sent to a military-run internment camp. Former boxing champion Horacio Romero is assigned to be a personal warden--companion--to troublemaker patie...
No bloody slashers have ever before been made in Lithuania. Takashi Miike’s die-hardest fan Jonas Trukanas accomplished his dream and independently created an inventively ripping horror thriller with ...