Siskel and Ebert once ran a special show entitled "Movies I'm Embarrassed to Admit I Liked." I suppose that if I composed such a list of guilty pleasures, this one would be one of them ....
Inspired by stories of Polish musicians from the 1930-ies/40-ies "Music, War and Love" is an uncommon love story; its romantic heartbeat is sustained by the love of music that draws its char...
Freeform公布10集新剧《诡媚海妖 Siren》(前名《深海 The Deep》,电视台改名后首部试映集)定档18年,该剧由Eric Wald及Dean White负责编剧,《诡媚海妖》背景设定在Bristol Cove,这个海滨小镇因被称为传说中的美人鱼栖息地而 闻名;而当一个神秘女孩的出现,证明传说都是事实﹑并且美人鱼要重夺海洋后,一场人类及海洋之间的战争即将要展开。 Alex Ro...