A pair of misfit oddballs strike a deal too big to pass up — and maybe too good to be true — as they set out on a road trip and redemption story in this dark comedy neo-noir....
本剧是美国CBS电视台的金牌喜剧,目前已获得1项艾美奖,7项其他各类大奖,包括2项金球奖提名在内的18项各类提名。 Charlie是一个潇洒自由的单身汉,但离婚后被前妻剥夺了几乎一切财产的弟弟Alan带着儿子Jake的突然来访完全打乱了Charlie悠然自得的生活,三个男人一台戏,这下可有得乐了,在全美情景喜剧收视一片低迷的大背景下《Two and aHalfMen》强势出击,夺下该类剧集收视...
Aspiring actress, Kia Anderson, is about to learn that the final callback for a horror Feature Film is something more than she could ever of imagined - Something sinister is awaiting for Kia....