Known for his edgy and surreal visual storytelling, Greek experienced filmmaker Angelos Frantzis has directed five feature films. Keeping the elements of contemporary fantasy that characterize his wor...
The story, written by Zsófi Lányi, revolves around thirtysomething identical twins éva and Adél. They are very distant and different from one another, but they lead equally hypocritical lifestyles and...
Several characters including medical personnel and food-delivery riders, play their part in Malaysia's handling of the Covid-19 pandemic in its first few months....
The bored philosopher Marten Morrow decides to keep a fallen gun in a strange excitement while accidentally witnessing a robbery. A true romance between Maarten and the gun is blossoming, but actions ...
An ex-military man with a mysterious past leads a group of Egyptian refugees through the desert and must protect them from a group of evil mercenaries....